Heartbeat Technology in SIMATIC PCS 7: Benefits, Features and Practical Use

Tech Booster

Date:  October 31 2024
Time:  8:30 a.m or 1:30 p.m. (CET)
Duration:  45-60 minutes

Learn about Heartbeat Technology’s key features, benefits and practical use in SIMATIC PCS 7, demonstrated through live examples. Ideal for those looking to leverage Heartbeat Technology’s diagnostic, verification and monitoring capabilities.

About Tech Boosters:  

  • Tech Boosters are 45 to 60-minutes live and interactive training units about digital communication, connectivity and the Industrial Internet of Things in the process industry.
  • These online seminars are available on several dates, free-of-charge via GoToWebinar. Choose the date that suits you best.
  • In order to participate in this Tech Booster online seminar you need a laptop and a headset only.

We look forward to have you join us for the Tech Booster!

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Michael Ulrich
Technology Trainer
Axel Eidmann
Technology Trainer
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